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Blueprint Debug

Styles for debugging your grid alignments

This file can be imported using: @import "blueprint/debug"


  1. Grid Background
  2. Grid
  3. Typography


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=showgrid($image: false)
  @if $image
    background: image-url($image)
    +grid-background($baseline: $blueprint-font-size * 1.5, $column: $blueprint-grid-width, $gutter: $blueprint-grid-margin, $total: $blueprint-grid-columns)
@mixin showgrid($image: false) {
  @if $image {
    background: image-url($image);
  @else {
    @include grid-background($baseline: $blueprint-font-size * 1.5, $column: $blueprint-grid-width, $gutter: $blueprint-grid-margin, $total: $blueprint-grid-columns);

Shows a background that can be used to check grid alignment. By default this is a pure css version that only works in browsers that support gradients and multiple backgrounds, but you can pass an image url if you prefer.

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=blueprint-debug($grid-image: false)
  // Use this class on any column or container to see the grid.
  // TODO: prefix this with the project path.
@mixin blueprint-debug($grid-image: false) {
  // Use this class on any column or container to see the grid.
  // TODO: prefix this with the project path.
  .showgrid {
    @include showgrid($grid-image);