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Blueprint Liquid

Import this to have a liquid grid.

The original liquid grid documentation is here.

By default the container takes 80% of the canvas, you can override this:

.container {
  width: 99%

This file can be imported using: @import "blueprint/liquid"


  1. Clearfix – Mixins for clearfixing.
  2. Float – Mixins for cross-browser floats.

Configurable Variables help


Main layout grid, override these constants to build your grid and container sizes. The width shown gives the right floored percentage values.




Do not edit below this line unless you really know what you're doing.


-($blueprint-liquid-grid-margin + $blueprint-liquid-grid-width)


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@function span-fluid($n)
  @return $blueprint-liquid-grid-width * $n + $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * ($n - 1)
@function span-fluid($n) {
  @return $blueprint-liquid-grid-width * $n + $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * ($n - 1);

Return the width of $n columns in percents.


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  // A container should group all your columns
  // Use these classes (or mixins) to set the width of a column.
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns + 1
      width: span-fluid($n)
        +column($n, $n == $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns)
  // The last column in a row needs this class (or mixin) or it will end up on the next row.
  // Add these to a column to append empty cols.
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns
  // Add these to a column to prepend empty cols.
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns
  // Use these classes on an element to push it into the
  // next column, or to pull it into the previous column.
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns + 1
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns + 1
@mixin blueprint-liquid-grid {
  // A container should group all your columns
  .container {
    @include container;
  // Use these classes (or mixins) to set the width of a column.
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns + 1 {
    .span-#{$n} {
      width: span-fluid($n);
    div {
      &.span-#{$n} {
        @include column($n, $n == $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns);
  // The last column in a row needs this class (or mixin) or it will end up on the next row.
  div.last {
    @include last;
  // Add these to a column to append empty cols.
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns {
    .append-#{$n} {
      @include append($n);
  // Add these to a column to prepend empty cols.
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns {
    .prepend-#{$n} {
      @include prepend($n);
  // Use these classes on an element to push it into the
  // next column, or to pull it into the previous column.
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns + 1 {
    .pull-#{$n} {
      @include pull($n);
  @for $n from 1 to $blueprint-liquid-grid-columns + 1 {
    .push-#{$n} {
      @include push($n);
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  min-width: $blueprint-liquid-container-min-width
  width: $blueprint-liquid-container-width
  margin: 0 auto
@mixin container {
  min-width: $blueprint-liquid-container-min-width;
  width: $blueprint-liquid-container-width;
  margin: 0 auto;
  @include clearfix;
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=span($n, $important: false)
  @warn "The span mixin is deprecated. Please use the span-fluid function instead. E.g. width: span-fluid(#{$n})"
  $width: span-fluid($n)
  @if $important
    width: $width !important
    width: $width
@mixin span($n, $important: false) {
  @warn "The span mixin is deprecated. Please use the span-fluid function instead. E.g. width: span-fluid(#{$n})";
  $width: span-fluid($n);
  @if $important {
    width: $width !important;
  @else {
    width: $width;
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  margin-right: 0
@mixin last {
  margin-right: 0;
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=column($n, $last: false)
  overflow: hidden
  width: span-fluid($n)
  @if $last
    margin-right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin
@mixin column($n, $last: false) {
  @include float-left;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: span-fluid($n);
  @if $last {
    @include last;
  @else {
    margin-right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin;
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  padding-right: ($blueprint-liquid-grid-width + $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin) * $n
@mixin append($n) {
  padding-right: ($blueprint-liquid-grid-width + $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin) * $n;
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  padding-left: ($blueprint-liquid-grid-width + $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin) * $n
@mixin prepend($n) {
  padding-left: ($blueprint-liquid-grid-width + $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin) * $n;
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=pull($n, $last: false)
  margin-left: $blueprint-liquid-grid-push-pull * $n
@mixin pull($n, $last: false) {
  margin-left: $blueprint-liquid-grid-push-pull * $n;
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    top: 0
    left: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin
    right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-push-pull * $n
    bottom: 0
@mixin push($n) {
  @include float-right;
  margin: {
    top: 0;
    left: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin;
    right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-push-pull * $n;
    bottom: 0;
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  border-right: 1px solid #eeeeee
@mixin border {
  border-right: 1px solid #eeeeee;
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  padding-right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * 2
  margin-right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * 2
@mixin colborder {
  padding-right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * 2;
  margin-right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * 2;
  @include border;
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  background: #dddddd
  color: #dddddd
  clear: both
  width: 100%
  height: 0.083em
  margin: 0
  margin-left: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * 2
  margin-right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * 2
  border: none
@mixin colruler {
  background: #dddddd;
  color: #dddddd;
  clear: both;
  width: 100%;
  height: 0.083em;
  margin: 0;
  margin-left: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * 2;
  margin-right: $blueprint-liquid-grid-margin * 2;
  border: none;
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  background: white
  color: white
@mixin colspacer {
  @include colruler;
  background: white;
  color: white;