Provides a mixin to support @font-face. See CSS3 spec: @font-face.
This file can be imported using:
@import "compass/css3/font-face"
=font-face($name, $font-files, $eot: false, $weight: false, $style: false) $iefont: unquote("#{$eot}?#iefix") @font-face font-family: quote($name) @if $eot src: font-url($eot) $font-files: font-url($iefont) unquote("format('eot')"), $font-files src: $font-files @if $weight font-weight: $weight @if $style font-style: $style
@mixin font-face($name, $font-files, $eot: false, $weight: false, $style: false) { $iefont: unquote("#{$eot}?#iefix"); @font-face { font-family: quote($name); @if $eot { src: font-url($eot); $font-files: font-url($iefont) unquote("format('eot')"), $font-files; } src: $font-files; @if $weight { font-weight: $weight; } @if $style { font-style: $style; } } }
Cross-browser support for @font-face. Supports IE, Gecko, Webkit, Opera.
If you need to generate other formats check out the Font Squirrel font generator
In order to refer to a specific style of the font in your stylesheets as e.g. "font-style: italic;", you may add a couple of @font-face includes containing the respective font files for each style and specying respective the $style parameter. Order of the includes matters, and it is: normal, bold, italic, bold+italic.