Compass Color Stops Helper


The color-stops helper provides a way to pass an arbitrary number of colors stops to the gradient mixins.

Any number of comma-delimited color stops can be passed, each color stop should take the form of a color followed by an optional stopping point (separated by a space). Where stop values are not provided they will be inferred by assuming an equal distribution of colors between any specified locations.

Example Call
#FFF 0%, #F00 50%, #00C 100%
color-stops(#FFF, #F00 25%, #0C0, #00C)
#FFF 0%, #F00 25%, #0C0 62.5%, #00C 100%
color-stops(#FFF, #F00 5px, #0C0, #00C 25px)
#FFF 0px, #F00 5px, #0C0 15px, #00C 25px