Easy mode using simple descendant li selectors:
Advanced mode: If you need to target the list items using a different selector then use +horizontal-list-container on your ul/ol and +horizontal-list-item on your li. This may help when working on layouts involving nested lists. For example:
> li
This file can be imported using:
@import "compass/typography/lists/horizontal-list"
=horizontal-list-container +reset-box-model +clearfix
@mixin horizontal-list-container { @include reset-box-model; @include clearfix; }
Can be mixed into any selector that target a ul or ol that is meant to have a horizontal layout. Used to implement +horizontal-list.
=horizontal-list-item($padding: 4px, $direction: left) +no-bullet white-space: nowrap +float($direction) @if $padding padding: left: $padding right: $padding &:first-child, &.first padding-#{$direction}: 0 &:last-child padding-#{opposite-position($direction)}: 0 &.last padding-#{opposite-position($direction)}: 0
@mixin horizontal-list-item($padding: 4px, $direction: left) { @include no-bullet; white-space: nowrap; @include float($direction); @if $padding { padding: { left: $padding; right: $padding; }; &:first-child, &.first { padding-#{$direction}: 0; } &:last-child { padding-#{opposite-position($direction)}: 0; } &.last { padding-#{opposite-position($direction)}: 0; } } }
Can be mixed into any li selector that is meant to participate in a horizontal layout. Used to implement +horizontal-list.
:last-child is not fully supported see http://www.quirksmode.org/css/contents.html#t29 for the support matrix
IE8 ignores rules that are included on the same line as :last-child see http://www.richardscarrott.co.uk/posts/view/ie8-last-child-bug for details
Setting $padding
to false
disables the padding between list elements
=horizontal-list($padding: 4px, $direction: left) +horizontal-list-container li +horizontal-list-item($padding, $direction)
@mixin horizontal-list($padding: 4px, $direction: left) { @include horizontal-list-container; li { @include horizontal-list-item($padding, $direction); } }
A list(ol,ul) that is layed out such that the elements are floated left and won't wrap. This is not an inline list.
Setting $padding
to false
disables the padding between list elements