There is an XML file that must be installed into your stylesheet directory in order for this utility to work correctly. To install it:
compass install compass/ellipsis
This file can be imported using:
@import "compass/typography/text/ellipsis"
To get full firefox support, you must install the ellipsis pattern:
compass install compass/ellipsis
=ellipsis($no-wrap: true) @if $no-wrap white-space: nowrap overflow: hidden +experimental(text-overflow, ellipsis, not -moz, not -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official) @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and $use-mozilla-ellipsis-binding -moz-binding: stylesheet-url(unquote("xml/ellipsis.xml#ellipsis"))
@mixin ellipsis($no-wrap: true) { @if $no-wrap { white-space: nowrap; } overflow: hidden; @include experimental(text-overflow, ellipsis, not -moz, not -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml, official); @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla and $use-mozilla-ellipsis-binding { -moz-binding: stylesheet-url(unquote("xml/ellipsis.xml#ellipsis")); } }
This technique, by Justin Maxwell, was originally published here. Firefox implementation by Rikkert Koppes.